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September 1, 2019How to Become a Professional Electrician
September 1, 20198 Useful Tips When Planning For Office Power Point Installation
It does not matter what kind of office you have, you will need to use multiple computers and so many other equipment’s for proper functioning of your office. All these equipment’s will run on power so you will need power point for all those gadgets and equipment’s. That also means you will have to do planning for its installation in a really smart manner, so you can get it done in a smart and intelligent way having no troubles at all. Here, I am suggesting 8 useful tips that you should remember when planning for office power point installation so you can have good experience with it.
Do the head count: In current situation, almost each of your worker would carry a smartphone in his hand. As an office owner, you would not want him to charge his phone using your computer’s USB socket. That will not be safe for your work environment. These phones may have virus and people can also copy the data without even giving any notice to you. So, it is a wise idea that you arrange at least power point for each of your employee. That is why you need to do the headcount of your employee and you should add that many sockets in it. When you do this, then you should do the planning for future as well because you will not want to add power points for new employees in the future.
Check your gadgets: If you are planning to give a laptop to each of your employees, then you may need only one power supply for that, but if you are planning to use desktop computer for ever desk, then you may need to sockets for same. That is why it is really important that you do the math by yourself and you get it right according to that calculation. You can do the calculation based on the current employees and possible number of employees that you are going to have in your work force. It will help you take your decision in much better manner.
Separate the load: If you will put all of your load on single MCB, then it will not be a good thing for you. You should separate the load of your office power point in different sections. You can divide the load in term of departments or in terms of rows or column. You need to take that decision according to your office structure. When you do it, then make sure you separate the load evenly in all the areas. It will also make sure that if things go wrong in one particular area, then other employees will not get any kind of effect on their work.
Get right cables: Sometime people choose right kind of power socket for their office, but they fail to choose right kind of cables for same. Because of this mistake they do not get the optimum result as they should get it. When you plan it for your office, make sure you keep this thing also in your mind. You get the cables as per your load. That proper selection of wires will not only give you a trouble free experience, but it will also make sure you don’t get any issue soon in your electrical system.
Choose only good brand: It does not matter that you are buying box, MCB, cable, or power point, you should buy only a trusted brand for same. If you will choose a non trusted brand, then you may save some money, but that will keep you in dilemma in number of ways. You will not be able to have any assurance about the performance of the system and it might ditch you when you will need it most. So, make sure you choose a good brand that is known for its quality and better services to customer.
Do not use complete capacity: A lot of people make huge mistake and they try to utilize complete capacity of their systems. Ideally, you should use only 75% of any resource and I you are going beyond that, then you should try to double it up. Same applies for your power point as well and when you do its planning, then make sure you have 25% in buffer. That means if you think 75 people will sit in any particular area of your office, then you should choose wire, MCB and other things assuming 100 people will be there. It will help you have some buffer and even in case of overloading your system will not fail.
Take others opinion: When you are done with the planning of your office power point installation, then you should take others opinion before taking final decision. This is really an important step, because many time you may not see those things that are needed and you may miss that. But if you will take the help of other people, then some fresh eyes can do the wonder for you and they can help you get the right kind of solution as well in a very easy ways. So, make sure you do that as well while planning for your office power point installation.
Choose a trusted electrician: Selection of a good electrician is one of the most important things that you need to plan in your office power point installation. If you choose a wrong electrician, then it will take you to a very negative situation. That wrong selection can lead you to so many complications, you may have a wrong installation that may not be safe and efficient for you. In order to find a good electrician, you should check his experience, work record, and approvals from authorities. That will definitely assist you in wise selection as well.
Here, one thing is certain that if you will keep above things in your mind for the installation, then you can have fantastic outcome for your office electrical network. Also, you will not have any lack of power point in your office and you will get a point for almost every need.