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September 1, 20198 Things To Take Note When Installing New Power Point
PowerPoint is the application software that is used to prepare presentations and use them for the purpose of display and relaying information. Most are found over the shelf and are readily available. The software come with the guide for installing it and this can be easily done by the end users. The most common PowerPoint application software is Microsoft PowerPoint. Other common examples include PowToon, Prezi, Keynote, Prezentit, SlideRocket and a few more.
8 Things To Take Note When Installing New Power Point
There are many factors that one must consider greatly when installing a new PowerPoint. The main ones include-
1. Flexibility
One needs to ask himself/herself these questions. What changes can you foresee that the new PowerPoint will make? Do you need to plan for different working practices and needs? Most power Points have limited themselves to the features they need today, with time they get outmoded, and they became faced out. This is why you see regular updates being made on a particular PowerPoint and a time comes when a new version knocks out the earlier one. This feature ensures that the PowerPoint you are installing has a future. It also ensures the PowerPoint software can be used in diverse environment and a wide range of careers.
2. Funds
Money is a factor of greatest consideration when it comes to activities that take place in a commercial organization. For those who use the PowerPoint for personal reasons also need to consider this greatly. One must ensure that the benefits of the application software you will use outweighs the cost occurred. When making choice of the PowerPoint you want to use, everyone will go for the best and the one that has the most features. But the big question is this: Can you afford it? Does the price measure up with the activities that the PowerPoint will be able to perform? Other costs include licensing, electronic requirements, ‘reader’ software, training personnel and payment of royalties on the forms that you will use.
3. Features
Some PowerPoint applications have a larger number of features than others do. Some unique features of some PowerPoint software include capturing in image of a web form or pdf, capturing a program, ability to move bits of the image around and add text to it, saving amended images and eventually sending the amended image to clients to seek their comments. One can also plan to do some things in a new way and also do some new things. It also helps a lot for one to know that they are getting features that they really use frequently. Another thing that the client has to consider is that they do not need all the features, just some. This is why having your own list of features is very valuable. Most users have agreed on the importance of these features.
4. Fit
Without considering fit, the user of the PowerPoint may not get the success that was deserved. Regardless of the features offered by software, one needs to think about how well it fits with the equipment that they already have (Operating System) and the strategy to be used by the actual end users. The client must know how much storage capacity that will be needed to keep the software up and running to produce documents of good quality and to enable activities to run at a high speed. They should also consider the exact specifications that will allow the software to run and this provides the best environment for carrying out the activities effectively and with maximum potency. Plans to upgrade the software if need be must also be put into consideration. Hardware requirements are also of great importance, for example, a good monitor with a good resolution will favor better document development.
5. Final Thoughts
It is always cheap, effective and really quick to get through a lot of iterations of design and testing but most lack the required ability to produce a high quality output. The very ordinary PowerPoint tools such as Microsoft PowerPoint are very easy to find, easy to change designs with colleagues and a complete pain when it comes to making the display look like your own rather than a resemblance of the earlier set templates that are housed in the application.
6. Futures
What are you planning to do with the application? This is where one should try their best to choose software that will survive in the cut-throat world and marketplace. What is the trend in the market? This also means that you must know how you are going to use the application software. For some PowerPoint Applications, you may find yourself throwing it away as soon as you are done with it but for others you may choose to use it for another purpose or sell it to individuals or organizations with similar ambitions as the ones you had initially. Spending a five or more figure amount may not suit individuals at times because this may call for further approval. It may even cause the client lots of embarrassment if the target is not achieved
7. Fair transition
The PowerPoint purchased should not force the activities that were being carried out to have a sudden and acute change. Upgrades are always preferred to making full changes since upgrades ensure the initial files are maintained and the procedure of carrying out activities will not change absolutely. It will be a matter of making modifications that are mandatory and making the software’s ability better and able to cover a wide range of activities.
8. Fast
The PowerPoint software should be able to produce the most desired effects with speed. The slow conduction of activities that take place may cause problems when displays are needed urgently and when the client is a service provider, he or she may end up losing their customers and may make them incur losses. In that case, the software will have done the end user more harm than good
The above F’s will help any individual or companies make best choices when installing PowerPoint to ensure they obtain the best results and achieve their goals.